Wednesday, June 10, 2015

500 Hancock Block Stoop Sale & Block Party


Greetings Neighbors,

It’s Block Party Time!  I want to thank everyone who has participated in the block clean-up and the block planting.  We had great participation for the clean-up but our beautification/planting team needs more support.   Let’s get our block together in time for our block party. 

As you may know, there is new leadership on the 500 Block Association and we are eager to meet and greet all our neighbors. We have been privileged to have had the excellent leadership of Desiree Byrd for which we are very grateful.  Ms. Byrd led the block’s beautification effort which gave us our beautiful planters, tree guards, and several new tree plantings.  Her leadership has created the annual spring clean-up and plantings, “Spring Fling,” wonderful block parties, annual school supplies’ distribution, stoop sales, and many other initiatives that have made us a warmer, friendlier and happier block.

It is our goal to continue and expand these efforts and to identify new goals with increased block participation and community outreach.  Of course I must hear from all our neighbors. My goas is for every household to be part of the block association. 

We will work hard to improve communication.  We will use email, Facebook, door postings, and word of mouth to increase participation.  Block meetings will be monthly, alternating 2nd Saturdays and Sundays.

Dues are needed to provide money for plants, block parties, beautification, and for other services decided by the block.   Dues are $5 a month or a one-time $55 annual payment. Aware that this may be a hardship for some neighbors, any contribution would be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to working with everyone and I thank you for your participation and support.

All the Best,

John McAllister


Next Meeting:             June 14, 3:00 pm @ 512 Hancock Street

Stoop Sale:                  June 27, 11-5pm

Block Party:                 July 11

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Greetings From Our President

Greetings Neighbors,

It’s spring time and it’s time to begin our spring and summer block activities.  This was a particularly cold and snowy winter and many of us have not seen each other since last year.  With warmer and longer days, we’ll all be out and about more and will see each other soon.

You may know that there is new leadership on the 500 Block Association and we are eager to meet and greet all our neighbors. We have been privileged to have had the excellent leadership of Desiree Byrd for which we are very grateful.  Ms. Byrd led the block’s beautification effort which gave us our beautiful planters, tree guards, and several new tree plantings.  Her leadership has created the annual spring clean-up and plantings, “Spring Fling,” wonderful block parties, annual school supplies’ distribution, stoop sales, and many other initiatives that have made us a warmer, friendlier and happier block.

It is our goal to continue and expand these efforts and to identify new goals with increased block participation and community outreach.  Of course I must hear from all our members, but my goals are for every household to be part of the block association and that every block member is registered to vote.  In any event, we need all block members’ participation to have the clean, safe and beautiful block we all want.  I will be reaching out to all of you and asking you to join us and asking you all to reach out to all our neighbors.
We will work hard to improve communication.  We will use email, Facebook, door postings, and word of mouth to increase participation.  Block meetings will be monthly, alternating 2nd Saturdays and Sundays.

In order to make things work better for the block, we need members to be part of the working committees which are Beautification, Block Party, Security, Youth Outreach/School Supplies Distribution, Fundraising and Communication.  Please consider participating on a committee.  This is the only way to achieve a truly successful Block Association.

On a final and important note, the block activities are funded by dues and fundraising.  We have been fortunate in the past to have received beautification grants but so far this year we have been unsuccessful. However, if every block member paid dues, we would not be dependent on outside grants.  Dues are $5 a month or a one-time $55 annual payment. Aware that this may be a hardship for some members, any contribution would be greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to working with everyone and I thank you for your participation and support
All the Best,
John McAllister
Next Meeting:                  April 12, 10am @ 553 Hancock Street
Block Cleanup:                  May 1

Block Party:                        July 11

Community Calendar